It is the environment dedicated to measuring the performance of an engine, be it thermal, electric or hybrid.
It is the environment designed and built in accordance with the specifications necessary to meet, safely and with reliable conditions, the measures aimed at characterizing the operation of the engine, usually according to pre-established operating cycles.
But the purposes and types of evidence can be the most varied.
Here are some of the requirements of a test room, according to REengineering:
- Soundproofing: For the healthiness and safety of the work environment it is necessary to limit the sound pressure; protecting the rest of the environment where the dyno room is located, to protect the health of workers, in compliance with the existing law.
- Exhaust gases: during its operation, the endothermic engine produces toxic gases at high temperatures which, if not extracted and conducted outside the building, would lead to consequences for the operators, also compromising engine performances.
- Heat: the energy is converted into mechanical energy only in a minimal part. Everything else is dissipated (wasted!) Through the heat of the exhaust gases, the heat of the coolants, the heat of the cooling fans, etc.
- Doors or gates: at least one door, or one door, or both is obviously required to access. The accesses are, acoustically, the weak point of a soundproof booth. They must guarantee durability over time as they consist of doors that move several times a day, also stressed by the internal depression. They must be stable and safe.
We can configure the test room at various levels, including air conditioning equipment, be it a room for engine bench or with rollers test bench.
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